

Hier gibt es Fotos meiner Heimat Schweiz, von Wanderungen und Reisen, sowie Bilder zu verschiedenen Projekten. Themenliste ist rechts zu finden. Danke für den Besuch. Klick aufs Bild zum vergrössern.


On this blog you will find images from Switzerland, my mountain tours and my travels, as well as images of my different projects. On the right hand side you will find a list with the themes. Thank you for stopping by.


Four Things- Vier Sachen

Be Still 52 - week 22 with Kim Klassen photography class

The theme for the week 22 is "4 Things" - loaf of bread, linen, twine, scissors.  I have a beautiful braid-board, therefore my image shows a braided loaf, made with spelt flour, which I love very much.

Thema war diesmal 4 Dinge - Brotlaib, Leinen, Schnur, Schere.
Ich habe mich für einen Zopf aus Dinkelmehl entschieden; so kommt mein schönes Zopfbrett  zur  Geltung.

The first image ist the original, beautiful in colors.
For the second image I applied in LR kk_preset darkmood with some adjustments.

Thank you for stopping by and commentsing, which is very much appreciated.

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